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Wednesday 30 January 2013

Ticket Prices Protest Tonight

The Liverpool supporters group Spirit of Shankly have organised a protest against the price of Premier League tickets for tonight’s game away to Arsenal. The protest will consist of a banner and the distribution of leaflets.

The leaflets highlight that massive inflation in ticket prices in the past 24 years, with the price of a top flight match ticket rising by 716%. The banner shows a Liverpool fan with empty pockets alongside the slogan "Working class game, Business class prices. A.M.F." A.M.F. is an acronym often used by football fans in several countries, meaning "Against Modern Football".

Arsenal fans have, in general, given their support to the idea with many supporters groups publicly encouraging Arsenal fans at the game to take and distribute the Liverpool fans’ leaflets if they can.

At a recent Premier League game at The Emirates Manchester City fans protested the high price of tickets for the game with a banner. However, the banner was quickly removed by Arsenal security staff. The protest followed Manchester City returning 912 unsold tickets, with City fans refusing to pay £62 (€72) for a ticket.


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